Google Updates 2021: Das stand 2021 auf der SEO-Agenda

Google is constantly striving to increase the quality of its own search results. Changes to the algorithm are intended to achieve this goal. Corresponding updates are everyday occurrences, but they always have a great effect on website operators who have to adapt their internet presences to the new specifications. We present here once again each Google update 2021. This article is also dedicated to the most important Google Chrome Update 2021, as es is the most widely used browser.

Most important Google updates 2021 in detail

We start with the most important innovations of the year. In doing so, we present each corresponding Google Update 2021 in reverse chronological order to start with the most recent algorithm adjustments, the full impact of which you may not yet feel. Here is a listing of the most important Google Updates 2021:

  • Core Update: a basic new version of the algorithm
  • Spam Updates: Algorithm downgrades pages with spam content
  • Link Spam Update: Algorithmus erkennt Spam-Link-Profile besser und straft sie ab

17.11.2021: Google Core Update November 2021

This so far last Google Update 2021 was rolled out completely on November 30, 2021. Es has mainly made changes in the details. From one and the same web presences, subpages were partially better classified and punished. It is noticeable that especially those subdomains were ranked better that named authors at the beginning of the content, mentioned their expertise and had a meaningful "The most important soon" bullet list.

03.11.2021 Google November 2021 Spam Update

This update has been fully rolled out since November 11, 2021. Google mentioned that administrators should pay special attention to the general guidelines and "urgently, also the quality guidelines". Otherwise, pages would become victims of spam measures. Although this note is frequently made in spam updates, it should nevertheless show what es is primarily about.

Google update summer 2021

Google had already widely announced an "update summer" in spring 2021. Since this has received a great deal of publicity through the associated campaign, it will be presented here as a separate section.

27.07.2021 Google Link Spam Update, July 2021

This Google Update 2021 is directed against sites that rely on purchased and unnaturally built backlinks. The second category also includes exchanged, user-generated or machine-generated links. Basically, this has not changed anything for the construction of the backlink structure: Naturally grown references from trustworthy websites are particularly good. Due to the algorithm refinements, however, a link audit can make sense in case of doubt in order to recognize toxic links and make them harmless.

06.07.2021 Google Core Update July 2021

This Google update was the second Core update in four weeks. Overall, es was the fourth Google Update 2021 within the update summer. The focus was (as often) on the so-called "YMYL" presences. The abbreviation stands for "Your Money, your Life." Google evaluates content particularly sensitively, as this can have noticeable consequences for users. It is interesting to note that some tour operators have been penalized. This shows that Google now apparently counts them as part of the range. Otherwise, only content was evaluated more strictly, which supports the well-known wisdom that new and high-quality content is indispensable.

30.06.2021 Google Spam Update June 2021, Part II

This spam update came with little public information from Google's side. Es seems to have been a correction of the previous innovations. Many winners from an older Google update 2021 had to give up visibility again.

06/24/2021 Google Spam Update June 2021

Es was a "normal" spam update that improved the algorithm's ability to detect weak or misdirected content.

06/16/2021 Page Experience Update (with Core Web Vitals)

It took Google almost three months to roll out this update completely. The process was not completed until the end of August 2021. Google itself calls the update a "tiebreaker". This means es comes into play when the other (more than 200) signals are identical. The Core Web Vitals (i.e. the most important key figures for the user experience on a website) also became a ranking factor in mobile searches as part of the update (also here as a tiebreaker) and should therefore be taken into account from now on.

06.06.2021 Google Core Update June 2021

The Google update summer began with innovations in the core area. Primarily es gave a redistribution of the visibility within industries. Google seems to let self-measured signals flow into the algorithm much more than before. It is advisable to regularly collect your own data (daily) in order to be able to understand exactly which numbers are now important for the algorithm.

Google Update 2021: More changes of the year

In March of the year es gave another Google update 2021. Es was not officially confirmed and is unofficially called "Core Light". Known became es, because es there were strong movements in some domains. Es were fewer pages than usual, but the swings were significant. Again, visibility was redistributed within sectors. More precise content was rewarded that made a recognizable effort to concisely and clearly convey what was most important.

Google Crome Update 2021: the central innovations

Google rolled out a total of ten innovations in the year in question that fit the description Google Chrome Update 2021. Most of them es were bug fixes and performance improvements. The most important version was 96.0.4664, which was rolled out from November 9 to November 15, 2021 - as the first number shows, es is the jump to version 96. The most important new features are:

  • Web apps can register as URL holders to include Twitter links, for example.
  • Desktop version gets a back-forward cache for faster navigation.
  • Desktop PWAs are assigned a unique ID.

Google Update 2021 Conclusion: Looking into the details is becoming increasingly important

Die Liste von jedem Google Update 2021 zeigt, dass es keine großen und umfangreichen Neuerungen mehr gibt. Stattdessen kommt es inzwischen auf die Feinheiten an. Schon die Positionierung bestimmter Inhalte auf der Seite kann den Unterschied machen. Dies verlangt nach exakten Analysen. SEO-Maßnahmen werden damit eher noch schwieriger.

Autor: F. Baer


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