Content Gap Analysis

Content-Gap-Analyse als strategische Content Optimierung

Eine Content Gap Analyse ist ein Auswertung im Content Marketing, das dazu dient, Lücken in Ihrem bestehenden Content zu identifizieren. Bei der Auswertung geht der Blick weit über den Tellerrand. Hierbei wird untersucht, welche Themen oder Keywords von Konkurrenten abgedeckt werden, die auf Ihrer eigenen Website fehlen. Dies hilft Content Editoren und SEO Managern dabei, neue Inhalte zu planen und bestehende Inhalte zu optimieren.

Ziel einer Content Gap Analyse ist es, neue Zielgruppen zu finden und bestehende Zielgruppen/ Kunden langfristig zu halten. Das setzt voraus, dass der Search Intent für jede Zielgruppe und jede Bedürfnisphase bekannt ist. Nur auf dieser Grundlage lässt sich fesselnder Inhalt über den gesamten Content Marketing Funnel kreieren und publizieren.

Why is content gap analysis important for SEO?

Content gap analysis is important for SEO because it helps to improve visibility in search engines. It can reveal which keywords are not yet sufficiently covered and thus positively influence the keyword ranking.

How often should a content gap analysis be performed?

The frequency of a content gap analysis depends on the dynamics of your industry and the activity of your competitors. In general, however, it should be performed at least semi-annually to stay current and identify new opportunities.

How long does it take to create a content gap analysis?

The duration of a content gap analysis can vary depending on the scope and level of detail, but on average you should expect one to two weeks.

What does a content gap analysis cost?

The cost of a content gap analysis depends on several factors, such as the size of your website, the number of competitor sites to be analyzed, and the scope of the analysis.

What information do we need for a content gap analysis?

For a content gap analysis, we need information about your target audience, your competitors, your business goals, and access to your website and content management system, if applicable.

The cost of a content gap analysis depends on several factors, such as the size of your website, the number of competitor sites to be analyzed, and the scope of the analysis.

The cost of a content gap analysis depends on several factors, such as the size of your website, the number of competitor sites to be analyzed, and the scope of the analysis.

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