rankingfusions e. K.
Owner: Heinz Josef Lustig
Heubnerweg 7a
14059 Berlin
Thomasiusstraße 8
10557 Berlin
Management: Heinz Lustig
Tax number: 34/428/00260
Sales tax identification number: DE277258389
Commercial Register: HRA 55545 B
Register Court: Charlottenburg Local Court
Phone: +49 (0) 30 679 22 600
E-mail: info@rankingfusions.com
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
Name and registered office of the insurer:
Hiscox SA, Branch Office for Germany
Arnulfstraße 3180636 Munich
Area of validity of the insurance: Germany
Editorially responsible
rankingfusions e. K.
Heubnerweg 7a
14059 Berlin
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR): https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
You can find our e-mail address in the imprint above.
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Source: e-recht24.de
Friederike Baer and Heinz Lustig (photographer: Manuel Gutjahr)
Francesca Faulin (photographer: Francesca Faulin)