Google Core Update September 2019: Folgen & Maßnahmen


Mit dem Google Core Update September 2019 hat die Suchmaschine erneut für einigen Aufruhr unter Contentverantwortlichen, SEO Agenturen und in e-Commerce Unternehmen gesorgt. In diesem Artikel möchten wir Sie über die Besonderheiten dieses Updates aufklären, Ihnen dabei helfen zu erkennen, ob und wie Sie von diesem vierten größeren Google Update in 2019 betroffen sind und Ihnen Hilfestellungen für Anpassungen Ihrer Content- und SEO-Strategie geben.

Features of the Google Core Update September 2019

The Google Core Update September 2019 es is a so-called "Broad Core Algorithm Update". These in-depth updates, which are carried out several times a year, usually cause unrest among website operators and SEO managers. What then happens is always the same, at least from a superficial view: The rankings of individual websites plummet, while other websites benefit.

Google Core Update September 2019

Warum dies passiert, wird leider nie so richtig klar: Google hüllt sich über die eigentlichen Stellschrauben und Änderungen im Algorithmus in geheimnisvolles Schweigen – immerhin werden die Google Updates aber mittlerweile offiziell per Twitter angekündigt, so dass die Netzgemeinde immerhin bei diesem aktuellen Google Update in 2019 vorgewarnt war.

Google itself describes the approach of Core Updates itself with a simple picture: A look at the list of the 100 best movies will naturally show different results in 2009 than in 2019 - some movies have been added, others are no longer on the list. There has been movement in the rankings, perhaps except for the top position. Over time, rating standards change, Google adds. None of the films that have slipped or fallen off the list are bad - es there are just many good new films that also deserve attention and a place on the list.

Sites and industries affected by the Google Core Update September 2019

In general, it could be determined for the German-language Internet that pages from the "Your money, your life" environment (health advice pages, financial advice, life help, etc.) have improved considerably in the ranking due to the fourth Google update in 2019, which was somewhat more lenient compared to June. Travel sites also made gains, as did sites offering general legal advice.

However, some websites from the health and finance sectors have also lost significant ranking positions, and pet food and wine retailers have also been hit hard. Overall, the media and blog echo agrees that the consequences of the Google Core Update September 2019 have been considerably less severe than those of the second Google Update in 2019, which was implemented in June.

How do you know if you are affected by the September 2019 Google Core Update?

This question is not easy to answer without using special tools that index the visibility of your website (Sistrix, Xovi, etc.). However, you can use the free Google Search Console to see if the fourth Google update in 2019 has negatively affected the ranking results of the pages and keywords relevant to you. If you have slipped here, you should take a look at the pages relevant to these keywords in Google Analytics. If the organic visitor numbers have also dropped here, which is of course related to the placement in the Google search results list, you should examine the page closely and read the next chapter carefully.

What can you do to mitigate the impact of the fourth Google update in 2019?

If your website has slipped in the search results, es might be worth taking a look at your content. Maybe it is a bit outdated or could be revised anyway?

Not only since the fourth Google update in 2019 does the search engine recommend subjecting your own content to a strict quality check: Is the information offered unique, self-authored and supported with sources? Is the content presented in an understandable way? Has it not been copied and quoted block by block? Do the headlines match the content? Do graphics, if available, fit the content and deepen the topics of the text? Are spelling and grammar correct?

The Google algorithm as a very critical chief editor

In short, the Google Core Update September 2019 also confirms that Google is obviously getting better and better at judging the quality of a text. Es may, instead of a multitude of individual hints and tips, be helpful to imagine Google's algorithm as an extremely critical chief editor. Such an editor will bug them with details, demand supporting documents, require cross-references and, of course, pay scrupulous attention to spelling and grammar. Nested and tapeworm sentences, long passive constructions, useless foreign and filler words - neither chief editors nor Google algorithms like to see all this.

Seien Sie daher zuversichtlich: Guter Content schadet nie und gehört zu einem guten SEO Service. Dranbleiben lohnt sich – denn nicht nur das Google Core Update aus dem September 2019, sondern auch Ihre Leser freuen sich über gut geschriebene, verständliche und informative Texte!


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