Google has a variety of updates in store for search engine optimizers in the summer of 2021. The latest innovation is the Google Spam Update in June 2021.
According to the company, es receives trillions of search queries in about 150 languages every day. Updates are essential for their safe and efficient processing. The improvements are developed by professional experts according to the current challenges and integrated into the search function. This article summarizes the special features of the Google Spam Update 2021, what this brings to the user and what this means - especially in terms of SEO - for the website operator.
Theft of personal data through spam & phishing
The Google Update 2021 is the sum of different innovations that the search engine giant will implement in the spring and summer of 2021. Es are three forms of updates that have their roll-out this year: Spam Update, Core Update and the update around Page Experience. User-friendliness of websites is a big focus when it comes to ranking.
Ranking is an important keyword in this context. Because the changing values for selected websites already show that not all SEO is the same: Es there is not one standard that - once implemented - has a lasting effect.
Once again, following the Google update, es is worth investigating which websites have gained a ranking advantage - and why. Among other things, websites with improved rankings have integrated more visual content into their website. With the updates rolled out, the trend is that smaller companies are gaining ground - pure motivation to make tailored changes to their own SEO strategy.
A good strategy is es to create high-quality backlinks. On the one hand, this succeeds with high-quality content that is linked from external websites for free. But before the link building strategy is es first clean up. Because es gives millions of spammy links that point to high-quality websites - automatically formed. The current Google Spam Update makes unfair links and lists the corresponding websites from the index. This also has an impact on all linked websites.
The Google spam update has been rolled out worldwide and affects web and image search. Even though Google keeps the criteria of the spam update in the dark, backlinks from low-quality websites are among the absolute negative factors. Often, the function of these spam websites is solely phishing of personal data and installation of malware. According to its own data, Google blocks 25 billion automatic spam websites every day.
Website owners who follow all of Google's webmaster guidelines are not the focus of the Google Spam Update for now. But those who are more vocal, their website may still be vulnerable to hacked spam. If the website is not sufficiently secured, spam can be passed on to users.
If your website has lost ranking after the Google Spam Update in June 2021, you should check the security of your website. First hint can be given by Google Search Console in the tab Top referring websites.
In general, all log files of web servers must be regularly checked for suspicious signals. You should sensitively observe the following indications:
If you want to prevent the registration of foreign accounts by scripts, use captchas. Comment functions should always be moderated, or you severely restrict this function.
Further technical settings can prevent Google from associating your website with untrustworthy offers. These pages can be blocked as Disallow in the Robots.txt file and set to nofollow. User-generated content can be marked with a rel="ugc" or rel="nofollow". It is helpful if user-generated content is assigned a separate path. This allows spam content to be recognized and removed more quickly.
Even the Google update June 2021 is not so transparent in detail that one can derive a change list for SEO optimization. In the technical area, backlinks must be analyzed and evaluated. But internal links are also important. Anchor Text Optimization creates added value for the user. Thereby, the dwell time on the page is increased incidentally. The integration of audiovisual media is also advisable in this context. In the journalistic field, the strategy around keywords continues to be advisable even after the Google Update 2021. A look at the keyword research tools provides information on which topics readers need information. This creates highly relevant content that is linked internally and externally.
photo: weerapatkiatdumrong | istockphoto
Author: Friederike Baer