Google Update 2017 - What changes in SEO?


Google Update 2017 | thanks by pixabay & BingDigital

Die Zahl der Google Updates ist in der letzten Zeit deutlich angestiegen. Nachdem es bereits im Juli diesen Jahres ein qualifizierendes Update im Google Algorithmus gab, wurde auch im August ein weiteres Update eingespielt, mit starker Auswirkungen auf die Sichtbarkeit einiger Webseiten  und die Suchmaschinenoptimierung. Bei diesen Updates von Google gibt es keine Benachrichtigungen. Die Nutzer müssen auf die eigene Erfahrung zurückgreifen, um die eigenen Strategien anzupassen.

The Google Update 2017: Clear focus on quality

Also the last Google update 2017 has - like the updates before - mainly qualifying effect and thus provides only conditional fluctuations on the market. In contrast to many very large updates, which in parts set the entire SEO world in turmoil and thus quickly became problematic, the effects with these changes to the Google algorithm were rather small and weak. However, such changes to the Google algorithm should never be taken lightly, as problems in search engine optimization often arise in the details here as well. The Google Update 2017 has brought some points closer to the focus of the public, which have previously shown little conspicuousness. For example, the synonyms within the search engine were once again treated much more effectively. Thus, the Google algorithm now delivers the same number of results both when searching for "SEO" and when searching for "Search Engine Optimization". But there are also other effects to report. For example, many online retailers with many backlinks, such as Amazon, have been significantly downgraded in visibility. Thus, the Google algorithm ensures that these companies are significantly relativized in their market dominance. Here, too, search engine optimization will again offer more opportunities to increase visibility away from the big

Empower brands and businesses with the 2017 Google Update.

What impact the last Google Update 2017 has had so far

The effects of the last Google update in 2017 are only visible in details so far. For example, as already mentioned above, the market power of industry giants such as Amazon and other marketplaces has been visibly curtailed in the search results. The impact on your own pages, however, you can only judge and measure yourself, since not all pages are equally affected by the change to the Google algorithm. However, if you are responsible for the search engine optimization of several websites or your own website, you should take a closer look at the effects and try to adjust your own search engine optimization strategy. Especially the use of synonyms in keywords will make a significant difference for many website operators, as the search results for the different synonyms will no longer differ. In the worst case, es can therefore come to a keyword stuffing on the own website due to the last Google update 2017, which will be punished accordingly by the Google algorithm.

What tools can be used to capture the changes brought about by the updates?

Changes to the Google algorithm are neither published in advance nor afterwards, but are always recorded only by their effects. For this purpose, various tools can be used. However, these so-called tracker tools, such as the SEO tool AccuRanker, can record the changes to the Google algorithm very quickly and are regularly used for this reason for targeted search engine optimization. The last major Google update in 2017 was also reliably captured by these trackers. The classification of the Google Update 2017 and the estimation of the effects, however, is left to the experts and is often very lengthy and complex. After all, the changes have to be guessed as an inference based on the changed search results. No simple undertaking, but for search engine optimization the only reliable method.

To what extent your website optimization strategy for your domain is still up to date and whether you need to make adjustments, we will be happy to find out with you in a personal meeting. For this, rankingfusions will gladly advise you free of charge in the course of an initial consultation!

Search engine optimization strategies for the new Google algorithm

If the last Google update in 2017 also caused a drop in traffic to your website and you lost your good ranking in the search results, you should also urgently think about the new Google algorithm. First, however, you can calm down a little. Because the changes seem to be by far not as strong and profound as in the case of the Google updates with names, which have upset entire markets for weeks. For search engine optimization, you should especially keep an eye on the area of synonyms and keywords used synonymously and take corrective action in their use if necessary. The use of meta data and meta description may also need to be changed as a result of the Google Update 2017.

Overall, the last and still quite unknown Google update 2017 shows that you must always stay on the ball in search engine optimization and ideally the changes to the Google algorithm based on your own website u

and should be monitored by means of suitable tracking solutions. In this way, you can react at an early stage and find out about some changes yourself without having to rely on the evaluations of the industry giants. In this context, es is worthwhile to consult information from different sources. Among other things, you will find further important details on algorithm changes summarized here.

Author: f.baer

credits: Bing Digital


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