Native Advertorials - New Stars in the Offsite Sky

Magazines on the kiosk

Anyone who talks to agencies and website operators about the subject of link building gives rise to extensive and controversial discussions. One side is skeptical about the targeted purchase of links, categorically rejects this practice. After all, Google, as the most important search engine in the German-speaking world, speaks out negatively and even punishes. Here, according to Google, the competition is distorted. Nevertheless, sensible external links are welcomed, as they represent a certain added value for the user. The other side of the discussion sees link building as an important instrument for permanently stabilizing and increasing rankings. Here, link building is a natural part of online marketing activities and tips the scales.

Native advertorials as a new content strategy

In the meantime, entire branches of companies have formed around the topic of link building and native advertorials. Here, serious cooperations are concluded with bloggers and website operators. These agencies ensure that high-quality content and a corresponding link to the client are created. Native advertorials are now an integral part of this high-quality portfolio. Even well-known publishers see a considerable source of income here.

What are Native Advertorials?

The term advertorial is derived from the English terms advertisement and editorial. Native refers to the familiar environment. The term actually describes an advertising measure that adapts to the respective editorial environment in terms of layout. So the advertorial can be assigned to the advertising genre of native advertising. At first glance, these are hardly perceived as advertising. So in a way, advertorial is something like the father of native advertising.

As a rule, native advertorials look like a full-fledged editorial article at first glance and are very text-heavy. For the reader, this results in real added value and a high level of information content - qualities that are very welcome by Google. Print advertorials have been commonplace for decades. It is therefore obvious es that online advertorials are becoming more and more widespread these days. The principle remains the same, of course, namely advertising that blends in with the editorial environment. Online advertorials compensate for the biggest weakness compared to print editions, namely the lack of attention from the user. Advertorials are also used in an attempt to circumvent adblockers. A concrete law on the exact labeling of an advertorial does not yet exist. However, it should be borne in mind that poorly labeled advertorials tend to be counterproductive, as the reader feels cheated.

Native Advertorials - The Advantages

In native advertorials SEO agencies can be integrated, which incorporate link building of any external links through SEO effects. The content voice is also increased. Native advertorials can be targeted through link building across marketing channels. This means guaranteed appearance, for example, in the newsletter, where they are then suitably integrated throughout the website through linkbuilding. In addition, online advertorials are free of advertising, so all the attention is on their own expertise. Also, there is no exclusivity claim on the part of the editors regarding the text, so nothing stands in the way of multiple use.

The content strategy can also be driven and placed better with the involvement of SEO agencies with native advertorials. This also raises the fundamental question of content strategy or SEO agencies. Does it have to be a competition at all? Content strategy should not be a competition to SEO agencies. The content strategy should rather be combined with the advantages of SEO agencies. For native advertorials, es is worth looking at some topics through SEO glasses. In addition, link building is a common practice in native advertorials. If all these advantages are cleverly combined, native advertorials will bring the desired success.

Image credits:

Pixabay | CC0 Creative Commons, rawpixel

Pixabay | CC0 Creative Commons, crookoo


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