Open Web Analytics: Alternative zu Google Analytics?


Kommt es zur Webanalyse, ist Google für die meisten Administratoren die erste Anlaufstelle. Aber nicht jeder Webseiten- oder App-Betreiber möchte Google persönliche Daten von Verbrauchern und sensible Inhalte anvertrauen. Es fallen im Rahmen dieses Prozesses wertvolle Daten an, zu denen Google ein recht "übergriffiges" Verhältnis haben kann. Zudem ist Google Analytics nicht unbeschränkt kostenfrei. Open Web Analytics (OWA) wird häufig als geeignete Alternative genannt. Aber stimmt dies auch?

What is Open Web Analytics?

OWA is a free open source solution for analyzing the data generated in connection with an Internet presence or an app. Version 2 of the "General Public License" (GPL v2) is used. This means that the solution is available to the general public and may be modified to suit individual requirements. According to its own description, it wants to help its users understand "how people use websites or applications.

Google Analytics was the inspiration for this, and not only from an idealistic point of view without any question. The scope of functions is very similar. This will be shown in detail in the following sections. In addition, the design is strongly based on the industry leader. Visually, the relationship between the two solutions is comparable to the relationship between Open Office and Microsoft Office, for example.

The central features of Open Web Analytics

The central function of OWA is the "heatmap". This shows where visitors click on the page. This means it provides effective indications of how well the chosen design concepts are working. Operators can optimize on the basis of these findings. The use of their own offers can also be broken down in detail by sub-pages. Click paths can be traced in the process. This is done anonymously to ensure the privacy of the users in question. The analysis software also breaks down which search terms brought users to the site. This is a central component for SEO optimization.

However, the truth is: None of the functions is a unique selling point. Es is without exception about important features. However, these are also offered by other solutions. Es seems that Open Web Analytics is primarily trying to position itself by the fact that es offers this complete package free of charge.

Advantages of your own Open Web Analytics solution

Since none of the key features are unique selling points of OWA, es is useful to take a look at what the project itself cites as its own major advantages. These points can be found in the associated description:

  • The analysis software can run directly under its own domain or an app.
  • The solution is customizable to individual needs.
  • All central data protection laws are complied with - including GDPR.
  • Interface to access data is available.
  • Reports, metrics and other analysis tools are available.
  • Wordpress as well as Mediawiki systems for customer relationship management (CRM) can be evaluated.

The enumeration once again reinforces the above impression: OWA wants to convince as a free overall package.

Open Web Analytics compared with Google Analytics

OWA uses PHP, MySQL and Javascript as technologies. Google Analytics, for its part, also relies on Javascript as a language. Otherwise, its own technologies are used. Unlike OWA, Google Analytics also offers paid features. For example, the number of page views is limited to five million per month for free. The number of users per account is also limited (50). Open Web Analytics has no limits in this respect.

On the other hand, the industry leader scores with its experience advantage. Significantly more websites and apps use the Google solution, which means valuable help in the development of the central functions. Google Analytics therefore has a clear head start when it comes to the playout of updates and the development of new functions at es . The performance is also better. The performance is also better. 

Conclusion: Open Web Analytics - Tracking alternative with a "but

Those who do not want to trust Google will find a suitable alternative in the form of OWA - but with limitations. The current range of functions should suffice, because the playout of innovations is uncertain. Performance can also become a problem with high traffic. Es is therefore advisable to carry out an individual test before deciding whether OWA meets one's own requirements in everyday use.


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